Tuesday, January 4, 2011

8 simple tips for caring for gold and silver jewelry looking its glory

You probably have a collection of gold jewelry and money, nice and comfortable to wear. Whenever you wear your jewelry to bold statements about fashion style. However, if you wear them often, it is easy to forget how special it really is beautiful. This article provides eight tips to help you get the gold and silver jewelry looking its shiny best of intentions.

1) Wear the jewelry of gold and silver together. Do not be afraid to mix it up with accessories tasteful gold and silver can be very pleasing to the eye.

2) Make sure you keep your skin and jewelry as clean as possible, and oil and even makeup, perfume, body lotions, and before putting on jewelry.

3) With a body powder, absorbent and without abrasive on where you are wearing jewelry. This can help you protect your skin from the beginning colorless.

4) When the skin is discolored where the jewelry touches your body, always looking jewelry with high gold content. If you're currently has 10K gold, for example, you can go to 14K or 18K jewelry.

5) If your gold and silver chains to enter the site, here's a little tip for everyone to go: Put a little talcum powder on your channel site, and then try to remove the lymph nodes. This is usually enough for most sites. However, if it does not work, put two drops of baby oil on a sheet of paper, wax, part of the knotted string was in the oil, then use two pins to work with caution, to hub. Once the nodes, you should clean the chain thoroughly to avoid in the future.

6) Clean your jewelry often. For everyday cleaning, you can use jewelry polishing cloth that is infused with a solution of jewelry cleaner. Periodic seasonal cleaning jewelry. Mix 1 cup of hot water? Cup of ammonia. Put your jewelry in gold and silver dipped into the solution, and about fifteen (15) minutes. Carefully brush jewelry with a brush (a toothbrush would be good for this), soft and clean. When you are finished washing, let air dry jewels on a paper towel. If it is completely dry, you can shine with a soft, slightly polished and shine.

7) If the ring is stuck - that is, it's so tight on my finger, can not remove it, that's what you can do to turn it off. The use of detergents for washing dishes or cleaning the ring finger with a clean like Windex. That should be enough to shake and turn the ring on his finger.

8) If you have silver jewelry has tarnished, here's something nice and cheap enough I'm sure he will be like new.

a. Get the type of heat-resistant Pyrex glass bowl and cover at the bottom with foil, shiny side up.

b. Put money on aluminum foil in the bottom of the tank to see if it is in direct contact with the film.

c. avoided by boiling water in the bowl slowly and carefully spray the money to cover with liquid. Add one (1) tablespoons of baking soda in boiling water in a bowl and cover. Like magic, the sun gradually collect on the aluminum foil so that the silver jewelry looking sparkling clean and new.

d. Take the money out of the bowl thoroughly complete and polished to a shine.

It is here - 8 simple tips to take care of your jewelry made of gold and silver. With these tips will definitely give you more joy on the jewelry that you wear, and help you continue to look shiny and new.

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